What Does Data Analyst Do?

What Does Data Analyst Do?

Before Diving into the role of Data Analyst let's see the basic Definition of it:

Data Analyst is a Role who basically Deals with the Data.There are some operations in Analytics like interpreting data,analyze trends based on the data and uses statistical techniques to provide insights and enhance the decision-making of the Organization.

Now,coming back to the question "what do they do? " here are some sequential steps followed ,

Data Collection: Collection of data is collecting data from various sources and in various datatypes.

Data Cleaning :Now, cleaning the data and organizing in the usable format ensure that there is no Duplication of values,NULL values etc.. (further Lets see about this in detail)

Data Analysis: Here,Applying statistical methods to analyze data,identifying patterns it is done through tool like (Excel,SQL,Python,R).

Data Visualization: Creating Visual Representation of data in charts,graphs and dashboards .This is the means of communication with stake-holders which helps them understand the data and insights this can be done through tools like(PowerBI,Looker,Tableau or Excel).

and after this the machine learning algorithms are applied to predict the future trends based on Historical data.Continous monitoring and evaluating the performance overtime this can be done by setting up KPIs (Key Performance Indicator and dashboards to track progress and identify the area of improvement.

They play crucial Role in transforming raw Data into meaningful insights that helps the business Growth and Key point is staying updated with the latedt Trends,Tools,Technique and visualization to enhance skills and improve analytical capabilities.